Positive Mental Health – Rhyme-Time Learning

Positive Mental Health

The joy of self love and pure confidence is something every child deserves! The flowing poetic words and colorful illustrations of “Because I Love Me” help children understand that there is beauty and strength in being who you were created to be. They will see the importance of loving who they are and understand why their value and worth are not based on what others think of them. This children’s book will be encouraging and uplifting for elementary-aged children as they hear words that tear down their self-esteem. “Because I Love Me” shows them that not everyone looks the same, learns the same way, or even dresses the same….but everyone is still important and worthy of love! In addition to the positive mental health boost, this book is filled with Pre-K to 2nd grade sight words and rhyming words to help with reading fluency and phonics.

Loving yourself is important. It’s true!
There is no one else in the world like you.
Your smile, your laugh, your hair, and skin.
You are incredible on the outside and within.
When you love yourself, you may be surprised
how it changes your heart on the inside.

Author, Cynthia Tatum Robinson is a mother of four who also works in the field of education. She sees every day the struggles young people face and has a passion for writing books to encourage and inspire children.

Maxwell's Snowflake Adventure

When Maxwell opens his eyes to a huge blanket of snow he could not be more excited! His perfect day turns negative when his neighbors turn down Maxwell’s offer to play, because they think he is too little. Maxwell’s dad cheers him up by explaining that people are just like snowflakes. Everyone is different! Your children will love this fun rhyming story that also takes them on an exciting journey in science, self-esteem and learning how to treat others kind.Parents/Guardians/Teachers be sure to check out the bonus learning section at the end!

Maxwell was ready to go out and play, but he learned a lot about snowflakes that day. 

Snowflakes are different, like people we know. There’s nothing more fun than a day in the snow!

Until something happens that makes Maxwell cry. Open this book and you will learn why!




How do you begin to share tragic news events with your children? As parents and guardians, our hearts break not only of the violence in our world but also in finding the best way to communicate a crisis with our young ones. Dear Children of The World is a very gentle conversation starter for elementary-aged children and includes a helpful mental-health resource guide for parent use.

We live in a big beautiful world, but when violence and tragedy strike, a child’s perception of life may become tainted. As parents and caregivers, how do we help elementary-aged children understand the unfortunate realities of our world without destroying their hope for the future?  Dear Children of the World reminds young readers of the simple wonders that make our lives beautiful. This book also gently explains that we will experience times when the choices of others make us sad and cause us to forget how beautiful our world really is. This short but meaningful read will help spark that tough conversation with young children following traumatic news events close to home or across the globe. Dear Children of the World is written in a subtle way to allow adults the flexibility to expand the dialogue at a level appropriate for their own child. The end-of-book parent resource guide includes best practices recommended by mental health counselors for youth experiencing any crisis situation. Overall, the ultimate goal is to help children feel secure and loved while allowing them space to process their emotions.

Today Will be a Great Day!

Once children read, “Today Will Be A Great Day,” it will positively impact the way they think about themselves. In a fun and rhythmic way, this Rhyme-Time Adventure Book shows children the power of positive thinking and speaking.

Children are under so much pressure in today’s society. Reading this book will help build a strong foundation in young readers and teach the importance of speaking positive and having strong self-esteem. “Today Will Be a Great Day” tells a story of a young boy who speaks positive affirmations each morning, on his way to the bus stop with his friends. Those words set the tone for a great day. There is an added bonus section at the end of the book, for parents, to help children create their own positive affirmations. It’s the perfect way for children to not only enhance their reading skills, but also understand the power of positive thinking and speaking. We all want our children to feel important and understand that they are strong, powerful, and can accomplish even the most challenging task. “Today Will Be A Great Day” is great way to begin!

Have you ever had a bad day? If only you knew the right things to say!

Join Josiah on an adventure so cool, that saying positive words is the perfect rule.

He and his friends have the formula just right. The words they say are really out of sight!

So check out this book and peak inside. It will make you feel happy and full of pride.

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